Now available on Amazon: my latest book Dynamo for Civil 3D updated to Dynamo v2.18 and Civil 3D 2024.1!
Do you want to automate complex or repetitive tasks in Civil 3D? This book helps you learn all about the design automation tool Dynamo for Civil 3D. You will become a professional in visual programming, and soon your dull or complex tasks will be automated!
Dynamo for Civil 3D is a design automation tool that allows you to script repetitive or complex tasks in a visual way. This fantastic tool will save you a lot of time in real-world projects, and complex constructions are easily tuned until you are satisfied.
This book will guide you through all the possibilities, it points out the things you certainly need to know, it helps you to understand all the choices you can make, and it makes you a professional user of the software.
Besides a thorough explanation of the visual programming environment, it covers topics such as structuring graphs, the available nodes you can use, the connection with the drawing in Civil 3D, how to create new objects or manipulate existing ones, all about reading and writing data to Excel, and linking data to objects. In addition, there are some chapters devoted to programming in DesignScript, in Python and in C#, for those who want to go a step further in automating tasks.
Don’t wait any longer, start learning today and before you know, all your dull or complex tasks will be done for you. Enjoy scripting!